“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
-Matthew 13:44 (ESV)

In Biblical times there were no vaults or banks, so the practice of burying your money in the ground was rather common. It provided basic protection against thieves or invaders. The problem was that if the owner died or had to quickly move away, then the treasure would remain buried indefinitely.

With that said, Jesus tells a story of a man who unwittingly stumbles upon one such forgotten, hidden treasure. The reaction of the man is evidence of what a huge bargain he viewed his discovery as. He didn’t have to sleep on this one. There was no indecisiveness… He immediately abandons all that he has. It don’t think we can emphasize those words enough. The man didn’t sell some of what he had. He didn’t trade with some of his excess. He gave it all up. The whole nine yards, ball of wax, and enchilada. Everything.

And this man did gave it up full of joy and excitement? I can imagine the scene as he was going around town selling his possessions… The man’s friends and family must have thought he had lost his mind. However, he was never thinking more rationally! From his viewpoint, this transaction was indeed a no-brainer.

I am reminded of the missionary Jim Elliot, who felt lead to reach and minister to the Waidoni tribe of remote Ecuador in the 1950s. While there, Elliot was attacked and killed along with 4 others by Waidoni warriors. Some years earlier, he appropriately enough recorded these words in his journal: He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

So the parable begs the question: What is the kingdom of heaven worth to you?

Jim Elliot, like the man in the parable, understood that one way or another, you are going to sacrifice everything. You can sacrifice everything later to have it all now… Or, you can sacrifice everything now to have it all later.

Some rewards are great enough to be worth great sacrifices.