Though a righteous man falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin.
-Proverbs 24:16 (HCSB)

Near the beginning of the movie Batman Begins, a young Bruce Wayne breaks his leg when he accidentally falls into the opening of a cave. Using the situation as a teaching moment, Bruce’s father calmly says to his injured son, “Why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.”

Mr. Wayne asks a great question: Why do we fall? Or, another way to ask it… Can there actually be a purpose from a fall?

Proverbs 24:16 tells us that even righteous, godly people fall and sin. And matter of fact, it says they will fall many times (that’s the symbolism of the “seven”). However, on first glance we almost have to re-read the verse because our natural thought is that a righteous man never falls. But is that fair or even reasonable? According to this proverb, the biblical expectation of one that is righteous seems be more concerned about the response to sin, more so than the sin itself.

Our righteousness before God is not determined by whether or not we fall. We all fall. That’s why we need a savior. Therefore, now our righteousness before God is determined by what is done after we fall.

I personally feel that our true belief and appreciation of the sacrifice of Jesus is demonstrated most by how we respond to our sins, shortcomings and wrongs.

For example, when you fall, do you make up excuses or rationalize your behavior? Do you wallow in your shame and throw a pity-party? Do you abuse the grace of God and continue to do what caused you to fall in the first place? Or do you run to Jesus, acknowledge the transgression, take responsibility, pick yourself up, and learn from the offense?

Those who understand the seriousness of sin and of Christ’s forgiveness react in the latter.

So the question is not if we fall, but rather when we fall, how do we respond? Sure, it’s just a comic, but what does Batman do after he falls? He rises. And so should we. The godly will get back up.

Righteousness is the goal. Falling is the stimulus.

That is why we fall.