I decided a month or so ago to take this on. I was thinking about how I had read most of the Bible, but not all, and certainly not all of it together. I know I’ve read through the New Testament multiple times, but other than maybe Genesis, Exodus, the Books of Wisdom, and most of the Minor Prophets (Yes, I’ve read Habakkuk), I had read very few of the Old Testament books straight through.

Using the One Year Bible guide, I will be reading a passage from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs. I decided to go this route rather than reading it chronologically because I just know I’d get stuck in Leviticus (It’s happened before). I will probably be reading from The Message translation. Not only is it the most natural for me to read, it’s a translation I am not overly familiar with which will hopefully breathe new life into some of the words I may have read hundreds of times before.

As far as my blogging goes, we’ll just see how all that works out. I might post something every day; I might combine days. I might comment on all the passages; I might comment on just one. But it will serve two purposes: 1) to keep me accountable, and 2) to get me thinking about what I read, how God may be speaking to me through it, and how I can apply it.

In other words, the purpose of blogging is summed up by what I read today:

Instead you thrill to God‘s Word, you chew on Scripture day and night.
-Psalm 1:2 (MSG)

(Appropriately enough, that is also the verse used with my youth group’s name, The Thrill.)

I am excited (or thrilled) about this journey, but I know if I zone out and don’t actually think (or chew) on what I read, it’ll be in vain.

God help me.