Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
-Ephesians 4:29 (ESV)

A saprophyte is an organism that lives on dead or decaying matter. In general terms, it’s often used to describe fungi or bacteria. The name derives from the Greek word sapros which means “rotten” or “putrid”.

And that’s the same word Paul used here when talking about “corrupting talk”.


So it should be no surprise that Paul contrasts speech that breaks down and destroys with speech that builds up and strengthens. And that’s why this verse is about more than “cuss words”. It’s about any dialogue whose aim is to hurt rather than help. It’s about any language that is detrimental of those discussed. It’s about not respecting the innate, God-ordained value inside everyone, and speaking to and about them as such.

Paul tells us to be the type of people who understand the power of our words and choose to use them to build, revitalize, and encourage. To be a blessing, not a curse. To be givers of life, and not takers.

Something that lives off of the destruction and deterioration of others? That’s not behavior consistent with a Christian.

That’s called a saprophyte.